March 31st – ‘The oldest house in Marylebone parish was this month pulled down to the ground.’

More goodbyes to relics today: Tuesday 31st March 1846: ‘The White Hart Inn situate in Whitechapel near Somerset Street was sold by auction for the purpose of being pulled down and having some extensive building erected on its site.  This inn is recorded to have existed before the reign of Henry VIII.  It was condemnedContinue reading “March 31st – ‘The oldest house in Marylebone parish was this month pulled down to the ground.’”

March 30th – ‘Bought an old three-cornered beaver cocked hat.’

A new – or rather an old – hat! Monday 30th March 1846: ‘Bought an old three-cornered beaver cocked hat of James Hollingsworth, screener at Wharf.  The maker’s name inside is Lock, hatter, St James’s Street, London.  It no doubt formerly belonged to a gentleman, but it is one of the has-beens.  Executed this morningContinue reading “March 30th – ‘Bought an old three-cornered beaver cocked hat.’”

March 29th – ‘Met Charles Freeman opposite Trinity Church with a young woman.’

Another Nathaniel Sunday: Sunday 29th March 1846: ‘Morning, rose about a quarter before 7 o’clock, went to coffee shop in Compton Street, St Giles’s.  After breakfast went to King’s Head Court Chapel, Shoreditch, saw poor old Mrs Skirricker again, and after service followed her homeward down Cumberland Sreet, Worship Street and Providence Row into Finsbury SquareContinue reading “March 29th – ‘Met Charles Freeman opposite Trinity Church with a young woman.’”

March 26th – ‘son to the Duke of Cambridge, completes his 27th year.’

Happy Birthday: Thursday 26th March 1846: ‘Prince George, son to the Duke of Cambridge, completes his 27th year.’ Prince George (1819-1904) was the son of Prince Adolphus, tenth child of King George III. Adolphus was created Duke of Cambridge on its fourth creation in 1801. When he died in 1850, George inherited the title butContinue reading “March 26th – ‘son to the Duke of Cambridge, completes his 27th year.’”

March 22nd – ‘filled principally by flash boys and their wenches’.

This is the longest entry in my ancestor’s 1846 diary even with parts of it (represented by ‘ … ‘) missing due to water damage: Sunday 22nd March 1846: ‘Mr Liston, the celebrated comedian died this day (Sunday).  He was born August 1775 and was therefore entered his 71st year. Rose at half past 6Continue reading “March 22nd – ‘filled principally by flash boys and their wenches’.”

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